Handwriting instruction: What's the evidence?

You can read the full blog here.

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Author: Emina McLean

Eleven findings from meta-analysis, with conclusions about instruction drawn by the author.

'Emina's background is in speech-language pathology, education, child and adolescent psychiatry, and public health. She is an adjunct lecturer in language and literacy at La Trobe University, and a literacy specialist at a Victorian Primary School with a focus on assessment, instruction and intervention. Emina also works as a professional learning provider and coach in schools across Australia.

Emina is a research member of La Trobe University’s Science of Language and Reading (SOLAR) Lab. Her research interests are evidence-based practice in education, language and literacy instruction, cognition, mental health, pedagogy, professional learning, and the speech pathology-teaching interface in schools.'

Emina's Website

25th September 2020